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5 Simple Ways to Get the Most Out of Your Work Week

Nadine Valdes
5 min readJan 27, 2021


Like many people, I have struggled for years with procrastination and organizing the chaos of my mind, while juggling multiple projects and getting up again after hitting the doldrums.

Implementing these 5 simple changes to my work week has been a game changer in helping me boost not just my productivity but my levels of creativity, inspiration and overall wellbeing.

1. Setting Clear, Manageable “Goldilocks” Goals

One of the biggest mistakes I had made in the past was either not setting goals or setting goals that were too big and impossible to achieve in a short amount of time.

Setting a Goldilocks Goal is a bit of an art that deserves a post on it’s own but in a nutshell, it is a clear goal that is achievable within a declared time frame.

For example, if my ultimate goal is to be financially free in 5 years, my Goldilocks goal might be to create a sustainable business that is generating X amount of profit by the end of the year.

Having a big goal is great, but in this case we are not talking about the end game goal as much as we are talking about the milestones a long the way.

Breaking my goals down into smaller chunks and creating actionable tasks on a daily basis helped make the process much more manageable and achievable.

2. Write Lists

A lot has been said about the benefits of creating lists so this might seem like a no brainer but it cannot be overstated.

I recommend creating two lists, one for things you have to do for the month and a daily list for things you want to accomplish for the day.

The monthly list has my goals and tasks for the month. EVERYTHING that is on my mind that I would like to get done for the month goes on that list.

This has been really important because it helps put everything I need to get done into perspective rather than having everything be urgent and immediate.

By spreading out my workflow over weeks I can focus on the tasks at hand while ensuring that I am not forgetting anything that needs to get done.

Lately, I have been practicing creating my daily list the night before. This helps me review what I’ve done for the day and clear my mind of any tasks that might be hanging over my head.

Not only has it helped me sleep better at night, it also helps me hit the ground running and make the most of my day.

3. Paying Attention to My Energy Levels

This has been THE single greatest game changer.

Over the years I have noticed that my weeks follow a certain pattern. After the weekend, I am pumped and ready to go. Monday mornings my mind is primed for all the things I want to get done for the week, but by midweek my energy starts waning, and by the end of the week I might feel a bit like a deflated balloon.

By understanding and acknowledging my energy flow, I have been able to assign my tasks accordingly. I do the things that require the most creativity and focus when my energy levels are highest, and do my most mundane tasks when I feel stuck or low.

This has helped me make the most of my time regardless of my emotional state.

Getting most of my tasks done early in the week when I am most energized has also helped me to be kinder to myself. Later in the week, if my energy drops I have accomplished enough early on to still feel productive and accomplished.

This leads me to the next point…

4. Assigning Categories to Days

I am a life coach with my own practice, a director in a coaching and training company and the mother of a 4 year old. This often involves managing a diverse scope of work and tasks that require different skills and mindsets.

One of the biggest challenges I had was switching from task to task which, more often than not, had me frazzled and made it difficult to focus.

While I cannot assign my parenting to a specific day, I found that assigning tasks like marketing, administration, writing etc. to specific days helps me minimize my internal gear shifting and creates more space for things to get done. The end result is that my week flows much more smoothly as I change from task to task and role to role.

5. Making Self-Care A Priority

One of the biggest challenges about being my own boss, particularly in the midst of working from home during a pandemic, has been clocking out of work and giving myself a break.

As a life coach, I work with my clients on self-care all the time and it truly is essential. Having simple self-care routines that can be done on a daily basis such as listening to music, doing a bit of reading etc. has made work much more enjoyable.

Making it a point to switch off as much as possible during the weekend and focus on resting and recharging, ensures that I am fresh and in a space of creation when I start a new week.

This was something I really struggled with for years, but establishing clear boundaries has really helped me to truly end the weekends ready to go as opposed to starting my week already worn out.

Throughout the years, I cannot count the number of times I have found myself overwhelmed with my tasks lists, spending more time trying to get myself organized than actually doing the things I needed and wanted to get done.

Practicing these simple changes has helped me take control of my time, so I am responding rather than reacting to whatever life throws at me. It has also given me a structure to fall back on if I feel unmotivated or stuck, ensuring that no matter how I am feeling, I am still moving closer to my goals.

Most importantly, I have found that understanding my own internal rhythm helped create structures that work for me. This has not only made me more productive than ever, it has also made my days a lot more enjoyable and fulfilling.

What do you do to stay productive? Let me know in the comments below.



Nadine Valdes

I am a trained ontological coach that specialises in supporting women create lives they love.